Missed the book launch?
See the 10 minute recording below.
Hosted by the beloved, recently departed, Thabiso Sikwane

"Hi, I wrote this book with you in mind."
71-year-young Makheni Zonneveld
(The Coolest Granny in Town)
Wellness Speaker and Coach
(Face2Face and Virtual)
This book is the ultimate guide to optimal living. Prevention is better than cure.
Health gain is the GOAL. Fat loss is a SIDE EFFECT. Looking good is a BONUS.
NO so-called health products are promoted. The book only offers information on physical and mental health.
Physical health: After proper nutrition information saved me from an operation in 2008, I diligently studied this topic and continued to share what I learnt. The book includes input by experts: Dr. Matube Moroke (SA), Prof. Dr. Vormann (Germany), Prof. Dr. Scherder (Netherlands), Mr. Louis Peters (Netherlands) and Ms. Theodorah Modise (SA) as well as testimonials of real people. ​
Mental health: I studied behavioural sciences for decades and I have 25 year's experience in behavioural transformation as a speaker, coach and facilitator.​
​​​Order ebook / paperback​
EBOOK (English and Dutch) $13,85 €15,00 here
Before ordering the paperback, please first check where it is available in your area.
​​PAPERBACK (English) amazon.com $27,26 (English)
Outside South Africa, Zambia or The Netherlands ​​here
​​​​​​​​​​​PAPERBACK (English) Zambia ZK550 incl delivery here
PAPERBACK (English) South Africa R300 + R100 delivery
​​​​​​​​Buy now in 2 simple steps:
1. Transfer R400 to Real Solutions training cc, Standard bank, Acc no 000191035.
2. PoP, your name, cell number and address to: thecoolestgranny70@gmail.com or
WhatsApp +31 625 158 560. This WhatsApp number is only for that purpose.
​​​PAPERBACK (English and Dutch) The Netherlands
€25 + €5 delivery per book online orders here
Dutch version with no delivery costs at
Vink Multimedia and Wenson Kadowinkel, Havenstraat, Noordwijkerhout
Corporate clients and bulk paperback orders here
Wellness Coaching Online
The book has everything you need to transform your physical and mental health.
The wellness coaching is not mandatory but helps to enhance the process because coaching means I do it WITH you. The sessions are online on WhatsApp call, Zoom or Teams. ​The intake session is free of charge.
Request more information here.​
​​​Stream walking songs free here
More on The Coolest Granny here
More on The Free Health Club here